Chemical Engineering UI Department Proudly Presents
PetroGas Days 2010
"Enhancing Oil and Gas Production to Support National Energy Security"
01. Talkshow (Thursday, March 11, 2010) "Evaluation 5 Years of Blue Print National Energy"
Place : Balai Sidang UI depok
Hour : 09.00 a.m - 12.00 a.m
The lack of energy supplies will give direct influence to industry, transportation, and housing sectors, which will also impact to national development. Furthermore, the aggressive increasing of oil price will cause deficit to Indonesian economy and make us realize that the fossil fuels are restricted and have to be used effectively and efficiently. Then, how Indonesian people, government, also experts, should act? This problem can be answered by evaluate the implementation of energy blue print in Indonesia over the last five years, which will be the theme of our talk show..
Keynote speaker : Evita Legowo (Dirjen Migas)
Regulator : Rinaldy Dalimi (Dewan Energi Nasional)
Hanan Nugroho (Bappenas)
Practitioners : Bagus Setiardja (Director of Upstream PT. Pertamina Persero)
Mr. Barry Andrew (President of Chevron Geothermal Indonesia)
Academics : Widodo Wahyu Purwanto (Chairman of Chemical Engineering Department UI)
Workshop (Saturday, March 13, 2010) Place: Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Depok
02 Class 1: EOR Technology Selection by Chevron Pasific Indonesia
03 Class 2: Improving Oil & Gas Production to Support National Existing Facilities by Zaki Hatmanda (Total E&P Indonesie)
04 Class 3: Flow Assurance by Stephen Calliardi (BP retired)
05 Seminar (Sunday, March 14, 2010) Place : Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Depok
Hour : 08.00 a.m - 05.00 p.m
"Improving Oil and Gas Production"
Indonesia has much potential energy resources like natural gases,coals, and oil resources. So, it is a must to pay attention more seriously about the
development of those kinds of energies in order to support the nation’s energy needs. The development of oil dan gas sector is very essential to hold the secure energy. Energy is the most important things that will influence the activities of industry, transportation, and housing sector, also national development. Energy sector especially in oil and gas is the critical part of our industry, hence the improvement of oil.
Sesion 1 : Increasing Production from Exploration Site Theme 1 : Reservoir Maintanance & Drilling Technology by Freddy Djarkasih (KMI) Theme 2 : Seismic Technology by Paulus Tangker A. (Conocophillips) Session 2 : Increasing Production by EOR Technology Theme 1 : General EOR by Putu Suarsana (Pertamina EP) Theme 2 : EOR With Surfactant by Agus Fatma Surya (NALCO) Session 3 : Increasing Production from Alternative Sources Theme 1 : General CBM by Mahmud Sudibandriyo (Chemical Engineering Department UI) Theme 2 : CBM in Industry by Pudjo Suwarno (CBM Medco Energy & Vico) Sesion 4 : Non Technical Class
Theme 1 : Managing a diverse portfolio of oil and gas assets to meet indonesia's resource requirments
by Agung Budi Cahyono, Teguh H. Susanto, Teresita Lystiana Indah Sari, Syah Reza
Theme 2 : Social Dynamics in Oil and Gas Industries by Arie Nauvel (Santos)
Chemical Product Design Competition (Saturday&Sunday, March 13 & 14, 2010)
Final and Presentation of Finalist CPDC
Place: Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Depok
"Innovation in Indigenous Chemical Product for a Better Earth"
This Chemical product design competition is a national competition for college student, that expected to appear the creative and innovative fresh ideas for the development of domestic products which can be adapted by a related company to be developed further; hence the products can be
competed at global market.
Exhibition (Saturday&Sunday, March 13 & 14, 2010)
Exhibition of 15 Multinational Oil and Gas Company: BP Migas, Chevron Pasific Indonesia, Star Energy, VICO Indonesia, PT. Bumi Siak Pusako, Kangean Energi Indonesia, BP Indonesia, PT. Pertamina EP, Petrochina, ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia, Pearl Energy, Conocophilips, Santos, Nalco Indonesia, Total E&P Indonesie, Medco Energy
Free of Charge!!!
*don't forget to bring your CV*
Place: Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Depok
HTM Entry Ticket :
Talkshow Workshop Seminar
UI S1/D3 Student : Rp 40.000 Rp 35.000 Rp 50.000Non UI S1/D3 Student : Rp 50.000 Rp 50.000 Rp 60.000
Professionals/ public : Rp 150.000 Rp 150..000 Rp 175.000
Payment Regulation
Payment Should be DONE by Transfer To Mandiri BANK KCP UI DEPOK
a.n : Isdiana Karina Putri
Account Number : 157-00-0173607- 4
Please send your transfer note to daftar_pgd2010@ at the lates March 7 *Please Bring original transfer note on the event's day
1. Petrogas Days's Stand @ Faculty of Engineering Lobby on Weekday, 09.00 a.m - 03.00 p.m
2. SMS to 02183637315 with format code_name_mhs/ umum_univ/ instansi_ hp_email
Example : if you want to register WS EOR : 02_anna_mhs_ UI_021859183_ yasha@yahoo. com
CP : Shilfa (085695903211)
Eli (02191607815)
Anna (08568937417)